Article and Quote of the Day: Is Giving The Secret To Getting Ahead?


“If you knew what I know about the power of giving, you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way."- BuddhaI've always loved this quote, because the Buddha is not talking about the power of giving on the other person. He's talking about the effect it has on the mind of the one who gives, how it solves the anxiety of the giver. This premise that altruism makes the giver happier runs contrary to much of long green economic theory. What the quote points out is one of the  basic hidden facts of human psychology, that being interested in helping others is itself a form of enlightened self interest— if done properly. My friend sent me the following article "Is giving the a secret to getting ahead"from the New York Times yesterday which outlines the work of a young economics professor at Wharton School of Business, who makes altruism the center of his theory and practice in a pretty radical way. Check it out.


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