Why I Write

My new book, Your Emoticons Won't Save You, came out with a very limited release on my website as a print copy and as an ebook. We had very few advanced readers, so I'm just starting to hear what people think of it now. The early readers' reviews are amazing to receive. And then I got this long multi-parted text message earlier this week from a dear old friend, another NYC native:

"I just finished your book. I read it in one sitting without meaning to. You took me there, brother. I was right back all up in it. I finished the last chapter like running off a cliff - shocked that the story was over. Mazel Tov! It's a super fun, nostalgic read that comes across as snarky and meaningful at the same time - just like the early 20's characters themselves. Whooph. Now I'm going over the last 12-15 years in my head...oy. Love you man - tremendous congrats on a great read! See you soon."

I do not write to make money (it's almost impossible to). I write to connect. I write on the off chance that every once in a blue moon, I might receive a midnight text message like this one. It made my year.May all beings receive such a text message every once in a while, just for doing what they love.


Every Muppet Needs To Go On Retreat!


Tonight We're Gonna Party Like It's...1998