Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche's Letter to Nelson Mandela's Widow, Graca Machel

Madiba, Nelson Mandela, Graca Machel, Sakyong Mipham, Shambhala, Shambhala TimesI was very pleased to learn today that my teacher, Sakyong Mipham, has initiated practices in memory of Nelson Mandela and and wrote a beautiful letter to Madiba's widow, Graca Machel. The letter and update are here, via the Shambhala Times website.May the world know more and more bodhisattvas like Mandela in the 21st century and beyond. May all beings be free.Here's my favorite Mandela quote. What's Yours?"Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies."(Note that a very similar quote about Anger is often falsely attributed to the Buddha.)


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